Skapto Consulting is an industry-leading provider of cost-efficient, comprehensive and tailored services for the mining industry.

The company’s trusted services combine old-fashioned boots-on-the-ground fieldwork with the latest cutting-edge technology, providing a reliable solution for all stages of a mining project.

At Skapto, we believe in a thorough and targeted approach that is built on a solid understanding of geological processes.

We provide geological concepts through advanced data analysis and prospectivity modelling and combine this with cost-efficient fieldwork, using portable and low impact equipment, that ensures efficient and speedy results.

About Skapto Consulting

Skapto is a team of exploration geologists, mining engineers and GIS specialists.

Founded in 2004 and based in Belgium, Skapto Consulting has established itself as a leading provider of mining consulting services.

We have experience in all stages of mineral exploration projects, from greenfield exploration, through drill programs to feasibility studies. We have worked in a wide variety of locations and with a range of commodities, from base and precious metals to diamonds and industrial minerals, including lithium minerals.

Our aim is to add value to our client’s projects by providing efficient and reliable geological consulting, management and contracting services.

Skapto’s approach

Our approach is based on a thorough understanding of the regional and local geology and a detailed evaluation of the economic and political context. We combine the latest technology with old-fashioned boots on the ground field work.

Experienced geologists assist our clients in the field and add real value to their projects. We have the equipment and the logistical experience required to efficiently undertake turnkey exploration and evaluation programs in difficult, remote areas.

Our services:

  • Tenement applications and follow-up
  • Developing regional exploration models
  • Desk-top studies, data collection and target selection
  • Geological mapping
  • Geochemical sampling
  • Drilling programs
  • Petrographic and structural analysis
  • Project evaluation and due diligence
  • Resource modelling and estimations
  • Data management and QA/QC
  • NI43-101, JORC and PERC compliant reports